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Get Involved


Attend Coalition Meetings

FAD meets the second Monday of every month at 10 a.m. Meetings are open to the public. For more information about meeting location, contact Carol Willis at (706) 766-8880.


Volunteer at Events

Volunteers are valuable at our public events:

Teen Maze
Teen Forum
Drug Drop
Annual fundraiser – Murder Mystery Theater


Become A Volunteer

Volunteers are the lifeblood of any non-profit organization. Attending a coalition meeting, helping spread the word about FAD programs such as the Drug Drop, or helping out at our Teen Maze or Mystery Dinner are just some of the volunteer opportunities available with FAD. 


Donate to FAD

Donations are accepted online or by check. The federal grant requires a 50% match, so all donations go toward our listed programs.

Checks made out to Floyd Against Drugs can be mailed to:

3 Central Plaza


Rome, GA. 30161

Online donations are accepted through PayPal


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