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“Positive Social Norms Campaign” to prevent use and abuse of marijuana (Pizza Box Sticke


A positive social norms approach focuses on the positive messages about healthy behaviors and attitudes that are common to a group of peers. Our perceptions of our peers’ attitudes and behaviors influences our own attitudes and behaviors.

Be on the lookout for these pizza stickers beginning Thanksgiving week.  The purpose of this positive social norms campaign is to alert both young people and adults that not everyone is smoking marijuana.

Did You Know?9 out of 10 Rome/Floyd County high school students did NOT use marijuana in the past 30 days.*Georgia Student Health Survey in both Rome City and Floyd County schools.

 And secondly to bring awareness to the damage to the teen brain when young people use marijuana.

 Here are a few of the facts that we all need to know.

  1. The teen brain is fragile, especially in adolescence. In 2012, one of the most well designed studies on marijuana and intelligence found that marijuana use reduces IQ by as much as eight points by age 38 among people who started using marijuana regularly before age 18.

  2. Today’s highly potent marijuana poses an acute health problem for teens.

  3. 1 in 6 kids who try marijuana will become addicted to it.

  4. Marijuana is the #1 reason adolescents are admitted for substance abuse treatment in the United States.

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