West End, Alto Park, and Elm Street Elementary Schools participated in this year's Floyd Against Drugs Red Ribbon Week festivities by decorating their classroom doors with a drug free theme and message. Winners were chosen from Primary grades (Pre-K- 2nd) and one winner from the Elementary grades (3rd and up) from each school. The winning classes received an ice cream party to celebrate!
Thank you to all our wonderful teachers and school counselors who helped to make this event a success. We appreciate all your hard work!
Winners Gallery

(Mirror Mirror) by Mrs. Castleman/ Mrs. Abrams Pre-K Class at Elm Street Elementary

The Smartest Pumpkins in the Patch Say No To Drugs - 2nd Grade - Primary Grades Winner at Alto Park Elementary School

Don't Huff, Don't Puff - Self-Contained - Elementary Grades Winner at Alto Park Elementary School

Drug Free Looks Like Me - Mrs. Nixon's 1st grade class - Primary Grades Winner at West End Elementary School.

We Have Our Eye-Rrays on You - Third Grade - Primary Winner at West End Elementary School.
Gallery of Red Ribbon Week Door Decorations